The papers we use for our lanterns
Discover the papers we use in our paper lanterns to work out which is right for you
Discover the papers we use in our paper lanterns to work out which is right for you
Use our shade to "upgrade" your fitting!
Sansho in How to Spend It!
Find the right lampsocket in the USA for our shades
Our paper shades are easy to hang wherever you are in the world
How to check whether our shade are compatible with your lamp socket in the USA
How to hide the bulb in your pendant lampshade
Special Offer for Oceania Shipping
We ask our customers to enjoy fukanzen no bi, but do we?
Wabi or Luxury? The birth of Kintsugi
Kyoto Kinsetsu Shirokanedo Master Craftsman
A brief guide to the glues and finishes for Kintsugi
Cheaper rates with all taxes paid!